The One Ring, The Binding Ring (0P68)

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The One Ring, The Binding Ring (0P68) is a One Ring card from the Promotional set. Copies were distributed during DecipherCon 2004. 500 copies of the card were printed, and the extras were made available for sale after the event. Sales were apparently slow, as some copies remained by the time of Worlds 2005, where copies were handed out to participants of Day 1, Heat 4.[1]

"They began to call him well-preserved, but unchanged would have been nearer the mark."
This card is a reprint of The One Ring, The Binding Ring (9R+1) . Gameplay is identical to that card, whose strategy article is shown below.
Collection Info
Title The One Ring
Subtitle The Binding Ring
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Premium
Card Number 68
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Collection Info
Title The One Ring
Subtitle The Binding Ring
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Premium
Card Number 68
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Collection Info
Title The One Ring
Subtitle The Binding Ring
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Promotional
Card Number 68
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Collection Info
Title The One Ring
Subtitle The Binding Ring
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Promotional
Card Number 68
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture The One Ring
Side None
Card Type The One Ring
Game Text Fellowship: Add 2 burdens to play a ring from your draw deck.

Maneuver: Exert bearer to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.

Lore “One Ring to bring them all....”
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S068.0
GEMP ID 0_68
LOTRO Hex ID 61 44 95 08
LOTRO Image ID 09_001
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S068.0
GEMP ID 0_68
LOTRO Hex ID 61 44 95 08
LOTRO Image ID 09_001
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S068.0
GEMP ID 0_68
LOTRO Hex ID 61 44 95 08
LOTRO Image ID 09_001
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S068.0
GEMP ID 0_68
LOTRO Hex ID 61 44 95 08
LOTRO Image ID 09_001


The Binding Ring is probably the most obscure One Ring ever released. Unlike all other rings, it has the independent ability unrelated to the Ring-Bearer of playing Rings from your draw deck. This is useful in any deck that has a lot of rings, such as Dwarven, or rings that are required at a specific time, such as Narya (3R34) and Vilya (3R27) . As such, TBR is effective against several Shadow strategies, depending on which rings you play from deck.

In terms of its regular ability, the fact that it requires an exertion to equip is also unique, and quite dangerous, as an exhausted Ring-Bearer cannot use this ring to turn wounds into burdens. On the other hand, it has a good wound-to-burden ratio and gives extra strength and vitality.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

Weak Versus...[edit]

Alternate Versions[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (1R1) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, add two burdens instead.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (1C2) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound during a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, Answer To All Riddles (4R1) While wearing The One Ring, the Ring-bearer is strength +2, and each time he is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.

Skirmish: Add a burden to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (4C2) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound during a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (7C1) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound during a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, Such a Weight to Carry (7R2) Maneuver: Add a burden to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, The Ring of Rings (11R1) Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, he or she wears The One Ring until the regroup phase. While the Ring-bearer is wearing The One Ring, each time he or she is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.
The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (11S2) Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he or she wears The One Ring until the regroup phase. While the Ring-bearer is wearing The One Ring, each time he or she is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.
The One Ring, The Ring of Doom (15R1) While wearing The One Ring, the Ring–bearer gains hunter 3, and each time he or she is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.

Skirmish: Add a burden to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (15S2) Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he or she wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While the Ring-bearer is wearing The One Ring, each time he or she is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, The Great Ring (19P1) While wearing The One Ring, each time bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.

Maneuver: Wear The One Ring until the regroup phase. Skirmish: Add a burden to make the Ring-bearer strength +3. ​
